Nov 10, 2023

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning 

We will remember them.”

This Saturday is Remembrance Day. At St Hild’s, we held a whole school worship led by The Remembrance Group with veterans and members of the Cadets and other uniformed organisations attending in uniforms, paying our respects and reminding our pupils about the significance of this day. We held an additional minute silence to pause, reflect, and remember.

Throughout the week we also took time in classes to learn about how the Royal British Legion uses the money they raise, and the story behind the event, with year 7 joining a webinar entitled Stories Behind the Poppy, where they also explored the stories of indigenous Canadians.

On Sunday, a group of staff and pupils led by Mr Simmons ex Army will attend the remembrance service at the Headland in Hartlepool. Mrs Hockaday ex RAF will lay two crosses in the Garden of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey, London.

Remembrance Day, which is the anniversary of the end of hostilities in the First World War, takes place on the 11th of November since 1918. A two minute silence will be held at 11AM in honour of those who sacrificed their lives on our behalf. 

This year marks the 115 years since the armistice was signed. Thousands will gather at the Cenotaph in London for the National Service of Remembrance in Whitehall alongside hundreds of service men and women.  

We believe that teaching the importance of remembrance day and the history behind it is essential for our pupils and our community, and we are proud of our pupils for demonstrating their respect during commemorations.