Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

St Hild’s Church of England School is a fully inclusive school. We ensure that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum.

Pupils on the SEND register are under one or more of the four areas of the Code of Practice

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interactions
  • Sensory and Physical
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Please view our ‘Information Report’ below to find out more about what’s on offer. You can also find out more in our SEND Policy available on our Policies page.

At St Hild’s School we operate a graduated response to all SEND with a focus on ‘Quality First Teaching’.


Every pupil in school on the SEN register will have an IEP which outlines Suggested Support Strategies and other relevant information regarding the pupil. The pupil, parent, SENCo, teaching staff, Year leaders and where appropriate outside agencies all feed into this plan which is shared with all staff.


Our team of Specialist Learning Support Assistants (SLSA’s) are distributed to support pupils on a need basis. The SLSA’s have a wide range of SEND training, most are also ELSA trained. Throughout the SLSA department all areas of the Code of Practice are covered in their training.

Useful Links

Hartlepool Local Offer gives detailed information, advice and support for children and young people with SEND and their families: hartlepoolnow.co.uk

IPSEA offers an impartial confidential service at any stage of a child or young person’s education: ipsea.org.uk

British Dyslexia Association: bdadyslexia.org.uk

CAHMS: tewv.nhs.uk

National Autistic Society: autism.org.uk

Scope: scope.org.uk

National Deaf Children’s Society: ndcs.org.uk

Key Contacts

SENCO: Miss C Hornsby (c.hornsby@neatat.org.uk)
SEN Governor: Mrs S Clasper