We have been part of the NEAT Academy Trust family of schools since 1st April 2021.
The levels of governance within NEAT include:
- Members
- Non-executive directors/trustees
- A local governing committee for each school
Our NEAT Board and Committee Role overview shows the relationship between the different levels of governance.
Our local governing committee has:
- Two nominations made by the Durham Diocesan Board of Education (DDBE) in consultation with the Parochial Church Council of Holy Trinity, West View, Hartlepool
- Two nominations made by the Durham Diocesan Board of Education (DDBE) in consultation with the Parochial Church Council of St. Hilda’s, Hartlepool
- Two nominations made by the Durham Diocesan Board of Education (DDBE) for one of which the Hartlepool Deanery Synod will be invited to provide a nominee
- The minister of Holy Trinity, West View or St. Hilda’s (ex-officio)
- Two trust members appointed by the NEAT board of directors
- Two parent members
- One staff member
- Headteacher member (ex-officio)
The terms of office of all governors are four years, except:
- Any co-opted governors where the term of office is one year
- Ex-officio appointments which are based on the person holding a particular office and continue as long as the person remains in post.
Local Governing Committee Members
Carl Bellwood
Trust Member (LGC Chair)
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 23.10.23
Term of office ends: 22.10.27
Declared interests: Governor – Eldon Grove Academy since 25.03.24
Sarah Clasper
Parent Member (LGC Vice Chair)
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 06.07.21
Term of office ends: 05.07.25
Declared interests: Employee – Hartlepool Borough Council since September 2018
Sara Crawshaw
Acting Headteacher
Ex-officio position based on role as Headteacher from 18.09.24
Declared interests: Tbc
Ashleigh Duxbury
Trust Member
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 23.10.23
Term of office ends: 22.10.27
Declared interests: Director/partner – IPS NE Ltd since 02.05.23; Director/partner – Iris EOT Trusted Ltd since 31.03.23; Employee – Iris Engineering and Technology since September 2019
Nicola Leighton
Co-opted Member
Appointed by the Local Governing Committee: 18.03.24
Term of office ends: 17.03.25
Declared interests: Staff Governor – Clavering Primary School since 01.09.21; Employee – Clavering Primary School since 01.09.10
Ian Lightfoot
Trust (foundation) Member nominated by the Deanery Synod, with approval by DDBE
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 01.10.24
Term of office ends: 30.09.28
Declared interests: None
Maria Murray
Staff Member
Elected by staff of St. Hild’s Church of England School: 15.07.24
Term of office ends: 14.07.28
Declared interests: Employee – NEAT Academy Trust since April 2021 (Teacher at St. Hild’s School since January 2006)
Michael Robson
Parent Member
Elected by parents of St. Hild’s Church of England School: 20.09.21
Term of office ends: 19.09.25
Declared interests: Employee – North Yorkshire County Council since March 2003
Sarah Stock
Trust (foundation) Member
Appointed as co-opted member by DDBE: 14.07.21
Re-appointed as trust member approved by DDBE: 12.08.22
Term of office ends: 11.08.26
Declared interests: Employee – NEAT Academy Trust since April 2017
Ann Turner
Trust (foundation) Member nominated by DDBE in consultation with PCC St. Hilda’s
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 04.12.23
Term of office ends: 03.12.27
Declared interests: Church Warden – St Hilda’s Church since 18.06.24; Councillor – Headland Parish Council since May 2023
Sharon Weatherill
Trust (foundation) Member in consultation with PCC Holy Trinity, West View
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 02.07.24
Term of office ends: 01.07.28
Declared interests: Employee – Hartlepool College of Further Education since 20.08.04
Former LGC Members in the last 12 Months
Rev. Steve Edge
Trust (foundation) Member nominated by DDBE in consultation with PCC St. Hilda’s
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 09.08.21
Term of office ended: 27.01.25
Declared interests: Employee – Diocese of Newcastle since November 2020
Rev. Roz Hall
Trust (foundation) Member
Ex-officio position based on role as Principal Officiating Minister of Holy Trinity, West View from 09.08.21
Resigned: 10.01.25
Declared interests: Employee – Diocese of Durham since June 2007
David Akers
Trust (foundation) Member nominated by DDBE in consultation with PCC Holy Trinity, West View
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 23.07.22
Resigned: 20.12.24
Declared interests: Employee – Ward Jackson Primary School since 09.01.2014
Daniel Sherry
Co-opted Member
Appointed by the Local Governing Committee: 18.03.24
Resigned: 16.10.24
Declared interests: Employee – BP since 01.09.06
Tracey Gibson
Ex-officio position based on role as Headteacher from 01.04.21
Term of office ended: 18.09.24
Declared interests: Employee – NEAT Academy Trust since April 2021
Helen Taylor
Co-opted Member
Appointed by the LGC: 10.07.23
Term of office ended: 09.07.24
Declared interests: Director – Symonds-Taylor Ltd since 15.10.23; Employee – NEAT Academy Trust since April 2017
Sarah Lake
Staff Member
Elected by staff at St. Hild’s Church of England School: 29.05.21
Resigned: 05.06.24
Declared interests: Employee – NEAT Academy Trust since April 2021
John Appleby
Trust (foundation) Member nominated by DDBE in consultation with the Deanery Synod
Appointed by NEAT Trust Board: 21.06.23
Resigned: 04.05.24
Declared interests: Governor and Employee – Easington C of E Primary School since 01.01.18
Shaun Edge
Co-opted Member
Appointed by the LGC: 10.07.23
Resigned: 18.03.24
Declared interests: Employee – NEAT Academy Trust since 01.09.21
Local Governing Committee Meetings
The Scheme of Delegation sets out the role and responsibilties of each school’s local governing committee and decisions that the NEAT Board of Directors has delegated to it.
The local governing committee meets up to six times each year: twice in each of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms.
Attendance Register
The attendance of local governors at meetings in 2023-24 is available below: