
Admission Arrangements

NEAT Academy Trust is the admissions authority for St. Hild’s Church of England School. A full copy of our admissions arrangements can be found in our Admissions Policy in the policies section of our website.

There is a right for people to raise objections to the admissions policy agreed by the 28th of February each year with the Schools Adjudicator. Objections to the admissions arrangements for 2025-26 must be made by 15th May 2024.

Starting Year 7

If you wish your child to attend St. Hild’s from the start of Year 7, you must complete an application form from Hartlepool Borough Council.

Parents are advised to check the council’s website for deadline dates for Year 7 applications.

You can do this online: Apply for a secondary school place

The admission number for St. Hild’s Church of England School is 155. Please see our Admissions Policy for the admissions criteria which will be applied.

You have the right of appeal if you are refused a place. Further information, including the admission appeals timetable is available from the Hartlepool Borough Council website.

Settling in Quickly

In close co-operation with our partner Primary Schools, we work very hard at ensuring that every child can make a smooth transition to Secondary School life at St. Hild’s.

Contact starts as early as Year 5, and continues through Year 6 with regular visits by our teaching staff, plus at least two complete days spent at St. Hild’s.

Our aim is that, when the children join us at the start of Year 7, they will already feel ‘part of the family’.

In addition to the Primary Schools in our immediate locality, we have a close relationship with all four of the Church of England Primary Schools in the town and an increasing number of other schools.

Key Diary Dates

Parents/Carers Evening

Wednesday 10th July 2024

On Wednesday 10th July 2024 parents and carers are invited to attend school between 4:00pm and 6:00pm. The evening will include a presentation from the Headteacher, Mrs Gibson, and provide you with an opportunity to meet your child’s form tutor and to ask any questions regarding the school. There will also be a Shear Knit uniform and a Windsor’s Shoes pop up shop. Samples of school meals will also be available.

Townwide Transition Days

15th to the 18th July 2024

During the transition days, pupils will get to experience how the school runs, as well as meet key members of staff in school. The Transition event runs from the 15th to the 18th July 2024 when pupils from across Hartlepool go to their new school for four days.

At St. Hild’s the school day begins at 8:45am and ends at 3:30pm. On Monday 15th July 2024, pupils should arrive at school through the Main Entrance and will be escorted by Prefects to their assembly point on the tennis courts. The Year Team, including the Tutor will be on hand to answer any questions and to escort pupils to their tutor groups. Details of tutor groups will be shared prior to this transition event.

Pupils should attend in their primary school uniform. All equipment will be provided for the week. PE kit is not needed for Monday, but tutors will share when PE kit is needed for the remainder of the week; PE kit can just be the kit that is used at their primary school and a pair of trainers.

School lunch, which is of exceptional quality, will be provided free of charge for the week but a packed lunch may be brought instead.

Pupils will have the opportunity to sample our enrichment clubs during the week and will sign up to join two clubs in September.

At the end of the first day, pupils will be dismissed from the main yard. If you are collecting your child at the end of the day, it may be worthwhile arranging a meeting spot in advance at the front of the school building as the end of the school day can be a busy time.

On Thursday you and your family are invited to attend a short presentation to celebrate the successful completion of transition week. Further details will be sent to you closer to the event date.

All pupils will then return to their Primary school on Friday 20th July to say their goodbyes.

Summer School

19th to the 23rd August 2024

We have an exciting opportunity for pupils to attend our Summer School from 19th to 23rd August 2024.  During this time our new Year 7 pupils will complete core subject work in the mornings, and enrichment activities such as PE, Art and external visits in the afternoon. Lunch is provided free of charge but again pupils are welcome to bring a packed lunch if they prefer. This is a brilliant opportunity for your child to make new friends and meet more staff from St. Hild’s. Further information about this will be shared at a later date, including how you sign up for Summer School.

In Year School Admissions (Transfers)

Hartlepool Borough Council Admissions Team co-ordinate in year admissions for all primary and secondary schools within the town. An in year admission is when a parent wishes to apply for a place at a school that is not during normal rounds of entry. (e.g. Reception – starting primary school or Year 7 – moving from primary to secondary school).

We pride ourselves on being able to make newcomers quickly feel welcome. Visitors to school frequently comment on experiencing a real ‘community feeling’ and it is this quality which allows new students to settle in very quickly.

Should you wish to apply to transfer to our school, you can do this online: In Year School Admissions

Please see our Admissions Policy for the admissions criteria which will be applied.

Admissions Enquiries

If you have any questions please complete the linked form below.

This will be emailed directly to our Admissions Enquiries email address and will be picked up by our Administration Department.