Earlier this year, we were visited by inspectors from SIAMS. We’re so proud to share that their report has now been published and that we have been rated GOOD with EXCELLENT strands in the impact of Collective Worship and the effectiveness of Religious Education.
The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report follows inspection which asks “How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?” It is an important inspection for any church school in the UK, and we are very proud to have made such a positive impression on inspectors.
This outcome is a direct result of the hard work and commitment of the staff, pupils and the support we receive from our parents and carers.
Within the report, inspectors wrote:
“The curriculum is highly ambitious and planned to prepare pupils for life in all its fullness.”
“St Hild’s Christian vision provides hope, aspiration, challenge and support for its community.”
They were particularly impressed with our religious education provision, stating:
“The effectiveness of RE is Excellent. All pupils are making consistently very strong and rapid progress in RE, especially those with special education needs or who are vulnerable. This is underpinned by an exceptionally rich and engaging curriculum, crafted to the school context with routinely inspiring teaching. Rigorous scrutiny of RE results in transformational learning for pupils.”
“St Hild’s Christian vision ensures that all members of the school community are flourishing and are effectively equipped for life in all its fullness”
Our distinctiveness as a Church School is something we are very proud of at St Hild’s, and we are always looking at ways of using our christian ethos, and links to our local church, to make our school a positive atmosphere for students to develop academically and as people.
Well done to everyone in the school who has contributed to making our school a place that made such a strong and positive impression on the SIAMS inspectors.