Your Happy Place: St Hild’s School Library

Oct 10, 2023

The theme for this years International school library month is:

“The School Library: My Happy Place where Creativity and Imagination flourish.” 

We’re proud to be joining schools around the world once again this year in celebrating the school Library and sharing how it truly is a happy place for our children to thrive in. 

Organised globally by the International Association of Librarians, this month highlights the importance of these amazing spaces, and the hardworking staff and volunteers that make them special. You can find out more about it here:

Literacy and reading skills are as important as ever when it comes to secondary school students. Independent study is an important part of further education and professional work. By developing their reading abilities, our students give themselves a significant advantage in their later life. We’d like to encourage every student to visit the school library and pick out a book of their choice.

We are excited to recognise this event and to celebrate librarians as we continue to promote the link between literacy, creativity, and academic progress.