News & Events

World Book Day 2024 at St Hilds

This week, along with schools in more than 100 different countries around the world, we’re celebrating World Book Day! We are passionate about the power of reading and encourage our pupils to develop a strong reading habit. World Book Day is a wonderful way to excite...

National Offer Day 2024 at St Hild’s Church of England School

On this long-anticipated day, secondary school place offers are sent to parents and Year 6 pupils. From today, applicants will be able to accept their offers from Hartlepool Borough Council. At St Hild’s Church of England School, we’re so excited to welcome our new...

Measles Guidance

There have been recent localised outbreaks of measles centred around the West Midlands. There is a risk of further outbreaks in other areas unless urgent action is taken to increase Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination take up in areas with low MMR vaccine...

Collecting Crisp Packets to help the Homeless

Collecting Crisp Packets to help the Homeless

Pupils from St Hild’s have been exploring ways in which they can support vulnerable people through charity without having to raise large amounts of money. One idea they came up with was recycling crisp packets to donate to Nitelight, a charitable organisation who...

St Hild’s Adopts the Halo Code

St Hild’s Adopts the Halo Code

The Halo Code is a campaign pledge, signed by schools and businesses, that promises members of the Black community that they have the ‘freedom and security to wear all afro-hairstyles without restriction or judgement’. At St Hild’s we fully adopt the code. St Hild’s...

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:  Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.  At the going down of the sun and in the morning  We will remember them.” This Saturday is Remembrance Day. At St Hild's, we held a whole school...

BAE Systems, the Royal Navy, and the Royal Air Force visit St Hilds

BAE Systems, the Royal Navy, and the Royal Air Force visit St Hilds

On Thursday, we had a special visit and demonstration from BAE Systems, the Navy, and the Royal Air Force. Professionals from the engineering company, based nearby in Washington, visited the school alongside members of the Royal Air Force to give a fascinating talk to...

Year 11 Level Up Event a Great Success

Year 11 Level Up Event a Great Success

Our Year 11 Level Up event was a great success, with parents and carers and their children receiving a great start to their revision and support programme. The evening was very well attended and it's great to see our pupils so enthusiastic about the hard work to come....